I am a ghost too much or hardly seen,
Wandering around in myself - in life.
Being that bunny - figuring it all out
By little and little for getting a drive.
I am a winner, I am a loser, I rock,
Getting nowhere, as it might seem
Taking my time anyway, no sweat,
Tryin’ to being that brick, to mean.
That’s it, that’s all, voila, I suppose
There’s not much more I could say
I wish I were more sometimes, Me
I trust in magic, I believe, not pray.
Is there a part of me, not here, far?
That could complete me some, say?
If so - find me one way or the other
And, hopefully, you don’t get astray.
What do I want? Is it me, or is it you?
Is it truth, or is it more of an illusion?
Am I vaguely blind - or can I not see?
Do I want clarity- or less confusion?
You see, it isn’t easy. Let me try it again.
I want more of me, for me and you, for us.
To cast a glance in your magical mirror, too,
A lovely journey desirable and make the bus.
What do I want? I want it all, at least a little bit
To know it, feel it, smell it, touch it, and stay.
I want to trust, respect, love it, damn sure.
Too much asked? - I'd rather stay away.
I’m good by myself, not great. Fine.
I am a dreamer, romantic, so true.
But if you can not tinge me petrol,
Meh. I might as well remain blue!
Sway me like the ocean, dancing.
Like the sun - protected - me tan.
Feets loved & free in golden sand.
Let’s make us happy if we so can.
Feb 26TH 2024
7:50 pm (UTC+1)