What’s going on now in my life?
The new one, that has been given
Aspirations on and off and about
As much as I’d like, I’m not driven
On the contrary, hibernation is on
In my cave, I’m paralyzed in motion
Not really expecting anything might
Though hoping for special devotion
Going little steps in significant ways
Not sure where it’ll lead me, anyway
I have a home & most of what I need
All the same, I feel motherless, astray
What about the distractions as well?
Are they real? Legit? Are they true?
Who knows what life is about at all
Rather not sweat it or even be blue
Much contact is exhausting such
Although much obliged yes I am
All loneliness can be depressing
But I just do the best that I can
Resolutions, hahaha - amusing
All gone blowing with the wind
Still searching for togetherness
In between may be many a hint
A hint, or thrown a red herring?
A truth, or another waste of time?
Are the stars leading to happiness?
Or is believing them again a crime?
A crime to myself and those around
A crime against time & what is life
A crime against God, not enough
A crime, for not getting the drive
I like to think, first & foremost
I’m good, I’m okay, I’m enough
No matter what’s up, on, or not
My life is lovely, whereas rough
Every day is a new day & year
Every day I do thrive & grow
Every day I am a better Self
Everyday Life says “Hello”
“Hello”, my lovely being
“Hello”, my eyes to see
“Hello”, light on Earth
“Hello”, you are “Me”
Jan 24th, 2023
6:11 pm (CET)