Pimp my heart, love, pimp my soul
Pimp my very all being, my life
Pimp my energy, for me now
It’s about time to strive
Give it the color you wish
Give it the engine to succeed
Let it blink & shine in a new light
Let the road tremble under my feet
Fancy the wind to brush through my hair
Like the sounds of melodies through a tree
I would like to conquer new scenes of land
Unafraid, well-equipped, excited & FREE
Pimp all little details with gentleness
Patience & admiring sweet passion
I don’t care which craziness leads
Restore it in the good old fashion
Treat it lovely, moreover kindly
Do what is needed though too
It might get dirty for a while
Grit might get you through
Mayhap there’ll be missing
Some pieces here & there
Make me a better person
You got this, I don’t care
Pimp my heart, let it beat
Pimp my heart, anywhere
Pimp my heart - be clever
Replace all useless despair
Make me want to be by it
An even better new being
Proud as I drive & thrive
As of guiltlessly revealing
Your experienced hands
Can touch me wisely fit
Airing cylindrical space
Fueling the piston’s hit
Pimp my heart, Jesus
Pimp the metal golden
Pimp the olden leather
Delighted not beholden
Might be a rare specimen
High maintenance alike
Bite & chew it, fancy
Then enjoy the ride
FEB 8th, 2023
10:38 pm (CET)